Hello everyone! I know I’ve taken way more time off from writing my blog than I should have and I do apologize!
In case you don’t know, I decided a couple of years ago to work on
finishing my Bachelor’s degree that I didn’t finish 30 some odd years ago. Fortunately, off and on over the course of the years, I would take a class or two here and there. Then, in 2010, I decided it was finally time to do this. No more excuses…so…here I am. I am now about three classes, or 9 credit hours, away from graduating with a BA in Interdisciplinary Studies, with a minor in marketing from the University of Central Florida (UCF) – Go Knights!

One of the marketing classes I took for my minor was called Digital Media Marketing. This class taught me a lot about the digital world we are now all a part of, like it or not. My professor stressed the importance to the young students in the class of creating a digital online profile through Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, and other social media platforms. She also taught us how to build a basic website and how to write and maintain a weekly blog on a subject that we found interesting. And this blog project began as a weekly assignment for this fabulous digital media marketing class. Now that you know why I started this blog, I would love to continue with it even though it is no longer required of me, so let’s get to it!

Cooking is something I love to do, so this blog is a perfect way for me to share my love and passion for cooking with friends…I hope you will enjoy my posts as much as I enjoy writing them, cooking for them, and photographing the food I prepare for them! The holidays are wonderful, hectic, and crazy at best and they bring thoughts of loved ones we’ve lost, particularly the ones we were closest to. My Gommie – my mother’s mother -
is one of those whom I miss terribly all the time, but particularly during the holidays! I can attribute my love for food and cooking mostly to her. I was so fortunate to have grown up with her in my home, and she did most of the cooking while I was growing up. I learned to cook a lot of wonderful dishes from Gommie, and I am so thankful to have had her wonderful food and companionship for so many years.

Since Gommie is sadly now gone, my mother, Dottie, and I enjoy cooking together whenever we are together…well, perhaps I should say we used to enjoy cooking together, as it seems these days I do most of the cooking and she hopefully enjoys eating what I cook for her! I learned so much about food and cooking from both Gommie and my mother, it’s amazing! I feel so incredibly blessed that between my mother and me, we have preserved some of the wonderful traditional foods that we both grew up eating. Things like Gommie’s fabulous Chocolate Pound Cake, her Thanksgiving and Christmas dressing – a break from traditional southern cornbread dressing – and her version of macaroni and cheese, to name just a few.

I also was very fortunate to have known and cooked alongside my husband, Randy’s Granny Roberts…now that lady knew how to cook good ole’southern comfort food! I learned to fry fish and make hushpuppies to go with them from her. I also learned how to make traditional cornbread in a cast iron skillet and bake it in the oven. 

I also have cooked with Randy’s mother, Sara, over the 33 years we’ve been married, and she still bakes her locally famous pound cake on occasion, not only for the family, but also for people who call and want her pound cake for this occasion or that. I am happy to say that I have the recipe for this pound cake! She also told me how she makes her cornbread dressing and her macaroni and cheese, which my children still crave to this day!

As you can see, I don’t have a recipe or many pictures this post, but I promise that most of my posts will have both…I was just in a nostalgic and reminiscent mood today and wanted everyone to know a little about why I cook and why I love cooking so much. I have had four of the most wonderful cooks ever to learn from! This blog post is dedicated to Gommie (Elaine Holt), my Mom Dot Sutton, Granny Alice Roberts, and my mother-in-law, Sara Roberts Stevens…bon appetite to all of you beautiful and very special ladies, in Heaven, Hartford, Alabama, and Lake Mary, Florida! I love and cherish all of our times together, whether in the kitchen or simply sitting around
chatting…till next time…

2/25/2014 06:01:46 am

Hey get busy and post a new meal
Good luck at classes


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